mercredi 6 avril 2011

Extreme Events in Geomorphology - Information Letter #1

The first information letter of the GEOMORPH-X Working Group is now available:
PDF link.

International Association of Geomorphologists / Association Internationale des Géomorphologues

Working Group « Extreme events in geomorphology »




Dear Colleagues,

During its Regional Meeting at Addis-Abiba, Ethiopia, in February 2011, the Executive Committee of the IAG approved the creation of the Working Group “GEOMORPH-X”.  We invite all geomorphologists interested in the study of the significance of extreme events in the evolution of terrestrial landforms to join the Working Group and to participate to its activities.


The question of the linearity or non-linearity of the evolution of landforms has lain at the core of geomorphology since its beginnings as a scientific discipline.  Following the seminal theory of W.M. Davis, relief creation started with a tectonic accident that gave “birth” to a volume of relief which normal erosion will shape afterwards.  Then, the erosion cycle will progressively erase the relief towards the realization of the perfect peneplain – except if some “accidents” happened again.  Following climatic geomorphology paradigms, landforms tend to be in equilibrium with regional climate, but sudden changes in thermal or precipitation regimes can lead to strong disequilibrium, enhancing or slowing erosion rates.  In the 1960s, Wolman and Miller introduced the magnitude-frequency concept and recent epistemological advances enhance the non-linear dynamics of geomorphic systems (e.g. Phillips, 2006).  High-magnitude events (X-events: extreme rains, mega-tsunamis, catastrophic landslides, etc.) are rare, sometimes never observed in historic times, and have long been regarded as somewhat ‘suspicious’ by the scientific community.  The first reason is that they do not fit well with gradualist ideas that dominate earth sciences; the second is that geologic arguments mobilized by the catastrophism theory (diluvianism) frequently anchored their roots in considerations more religious than scientific. 

Sometimes, acceptance of extreme phenomena as providing possible explanations for particular landforms takes decades (such as the Missoula Lakes jökulhlaup proposed by Bretz in the 1920s for the formation of the Channeled Scabland was not accepted before the 1960s).  New catastrophism, introduced in the early 1980s, opened a new way to study high-energy events and their impacts in the geological record.  More and more studies reveal that extreme events might have played a role in the evolution of landforms in several regions of the world: sturzströme have been recognized in many places (Dawson et al., 1986; Schneider et al., 1999), catastrophic landslides are widespread in high mountain areas (Evans et al., 2006; Hewitt et al., 1988; Kojan & Hutchinson, 1978; Fort & Peulvast, 1995; etc.) and giant submarines slope failures have been discovered in recent years (Moore et al, 1989; Nisbet & Piper, 1998).  Beyond these numerous examples, it is questionable how fundamental are extreme events in the evolution of landforms.  Are they solely spectacular but local anomalies?  How do they interfere with geomorphic system dynamics?  Are they epiphenomena or driving forces?

It is time now for geomorphologists to start a common debate on the significance of these spectacular events and their resultant landforms in the geomorphic evolution of the Earth surface.  The debate on the place of extreme events in the geomorphic continuum extends the major question of frequency/magnitude, stationarity, deterministic chaos, landform resilience, etc., developed in our community for decades.  Some reflections on extreme events lie also within the sphere of natural hazards assessment, so this WG outputs will naturally feed the geomorphologic debate, and extend in a more theoretical view works by the WG IAGeomhaz.  Some extreme events legacies are now popular scenery sites, so connections between this WG and Geomorphosites WG will be strong.

Present actions:

1 - Publication of a blog:
“X-site of the month”: every month, one interesting/spectacular case will be presented.  The text should be concise (maximum 1 page, references not included), illustrations demonstrative and, as far as possible, spectacular.  This is not a short paper, but rather a spotlight on an original landform, a specific methodology, linked with an extreme phenomena. 
Plan-type (flexible)
- geomorphic markers
- event reconstruction
- local, regional or global impacts of the event on process dynamics
- study methodology
- references
- illustrations

“List of papers published in peer journal, books published”
“List of upcoming conferences or sessions on extreme events in geosciences”
2 – News
New information (published papers, books, events, etc.) on extreme events will be highlighted on a regular basis on a social network: join us to get up-to-date news.

Look for user: Iag Geomorph-x on Facebook®.

3 - Information letter
Published on a quarterly basis, this information letter will gather the main information posted on the blog, and will be diffused to geomorphology distribution lists.  This letter will be widely circulated and will increase the awareness amongst other scientists, stake-holders, planners, authorities and (hopefully) the general public about the importance of extreme geomorphic events.

To receive this information letter, send an email to the WG secretary, James Terry:

Steering Committee

Dr Samuel Etienne (University of French Polynesia, Tahiti, France, Chairman),
Dr James Terry (National University of Singapore, Singapore, Secretary),
Prof. John Clague (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Prof.  Jonathan Nott (James Cook University, Australia)
Dr Liz Safran (Lewis & Clark College, Portland, USA)
Dr Richard Chiverrell (University of Liverpool, UK). 

mercredi 16 mars 2011

Proposed actions of the Working Group

1 - Publication of a website
Including several topics like:
-          "X site of the month" (study case)
-          List of papers published in peer journal, books published.
-          List of upcoming conferences or sessions on extreme events in geosciences.
-    Relevant informations will be published regularly on a social network page.

2 - Information letter
Publish on a quarterly basis, this information letter will gather main information posted on the website, and will be diffuse to geomorphology lists.  This letter will be largely distributed and will increase the awareness of other scientists, stake-holders, planners, authorities and general public about the importance of extreme geomorphic events.

3 - Literature
Publication of State-of-the-Art research on geomorphological extreme events.
Prepare and publish a manual “Extreme events in geomorphology” under the umbrella of the International Association of Geomorphologists.

4 - Courses
To organize and promote short courses for young geomorphologists in different countries (e.g Annual Young Geomorphologists Day, organized by the G.F.G in France), including regional conference of the IAG.

5 - Conferences
Organization of special sessions within the framework of national, regional and international conferences (IAG, AGU, EGU, AOGS, etc.), symposiums, field workshops and round table discussions looking towards collaborative research.

samedi 12 mars 2011

Extreme events: shaping the surface of the Earth - University of Liverpool 28th - 30th June 2011

The British Society for Geomorphology presents:

"Extreme events: shaping the surface of the Earth" Conference 

official website

Context: Extreme events provide some of the most evocative images of geomorphology in action, they contribute to shaping the surface of the Earth and often threaten people's lives, livelihoods and their communities. Wolman and Miller in 1960 provoked a debate that continues today over 'Magnitude - Frequency' in earth surface processes. The catastrophic flood, eruption or storm is a memorable often tragic event, but is it a more significant agent of change than more frequent and more moderately sized events? These questions permeate our understanding of earth surface processes and landform development or evolution in environmental systems across the globe, for example our shrinking glacial landscapes, mountain regions and hillslopes, temperate river systems, at our coasts and in arid lands. The British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) Annual Conference is a three day conference that will explore these issues addressing the importance of 'Extreme events in shaping the surface of the Earth'.
The BSG invites contributions (oral and poster presentations) from academic and professional geomorphologists. Postgraduate scientists are particularly encouraged to contribute and will benefit from reduced rates for registration. The conference theme is broad in scope covering and welcoming contributions for all earth surface environments, with the following topics defining and not restricting the scope:-
  • Extreme events on the Earth surface
  • A dripping tap: the long haul in evolution of the earth surface
  • Magnitude and frequency in earth surface processes
  • Simulation and prediction: coping with extremes
  • Hazards: society adjusting to extreme
Postgraduate support: Reduced rates for conference attendance for BSG postgraduate members are available @£25. The BSG is also offering the first non-local 20 postgraduate members who submit an abstract (oral/poster) £100 towards travel and accommodation costs. Get your abstract in early!

Geomorphology for Schools: The BSG encourages contributions and welcomes registrations (teachers) for the afternoon sessions. The BSG has commissioned four resource packs for GCE and GCSE level educators. These Resource packs will be launched via the BSG website with invited presentations from the authors and practical demonstration sessions in the conference programme 16-17.00 in the Tuesday and Wednesday programmes. The content for these sessions is being developed in co-operation with the Geographical Association (Northwest England) and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
· The Hull flooding of 2008: an information resource. Tom Coulthard
· Coastal erosion and flooding. Andy Plater and co
· Glaciation
· Geomorphology of Desertification

Free attendance for conference attendance for Teachers to attend the education sessions and a Certificate of Attendance available for Professional Development purposes. If you intend attending the wider event the Postgraduate rate applies. Please register to help the conference organisers with logistics.

Organising Committee: Richard Chiverrell, Andrew Plater, Janet Hooke and Andreas Lang

dimanche 6 mars 2011

Scientific background of the Working Group

The question of the linearity or non-linearity of the evolution of landforms has lain at the core of geomorphology since its beginnings as a scientific discipline. Following the seminal theory of W.M. Davis, relief creation started with a tectonic accident that gave “birth” to a volume of relief which normal erosion will shape afterwards.  Then, the erosion cycle will progressively erase the relief towards the realization of the perfect peneplain – except if some “accidents” happened again.  Following climatic geomorphology paradigms, landforms tend to be in equilibrium with regional climate, but sudden changes in thermal or precipitation regimes can lead to strong disequilibrium, enhancing or slowing erosion rates.  In the 1960’s, Wolman and Miller introduced the magnitude/frequency concept and recent epistemological advances enhance the non-linear dynamics of geomorphic systems (e.g. Phillips, 2006).  Extreme events (X-events: extreme rains, mega-tsunamis, catastrophic landslides, etc.) are rare, sometimes never observed in historic times, and have long been regarded as somewhat ‘suspicious’ by the scientific community.  The first reason is that they do not fit well with gradualist ideas that dominate earth sciences; the second is that geologic arguments mobilized by the catastrophism theory (diluvianism) frequently anchored their roots in considerations more religious than scientific.

Sometimes, acceptance of extreme phenomena as providing possible explanations for particular landforms takes decades (such as the Missoula Lakes catastrophic floods (jökulhlaup) proposed by Bretz in the 1920’s for the formation of the Channeled Scabland was not accepted before the 1960’s).  New catastrophism, introduced in the early 1980’s, opened a new way to study high-energy events and their impacts in the geological record.  More and more studies reveal that extreme events might have played a role in the evolution of landforms in several regions of the world: sturzströme have been recognized in many places (Dawson et al., 1986; Schneider et al., 1999), catastrophic landslides are widespread in high mountain areas (Evans et al., 2006; Hewitt et al., 2008; Kojan & Hutchinson, 1978; Fort & Peulvast, 1995, etc.) and giant submarines slope failures have been discovered in recent years (Moore et al, 1989; Nisbet & Piper, 1998).  Beyond these numerous examples, it is questionable how fundamental are extreme event in the evolution of landforms.  Are they solely spectacular but local anomalies?  How do they interfere with geomorphic system dynamics?  Are they epiphenomena or driving forces?

It is time now for geomorphologists to start a common debate on the significance of these spectacular events and their resultant landforms in the geomorphic evolution of the Earth surface. The debate on the place of extreme events in the geomorphic continuum extends the major question of frequency/magnitude, stationarity, deterministic chaos, landform resilience, etc., developed in our community for decades. Some reflections on extreme events lie also within the sphere of natural hazards assessment, so this WG outputs will naturally feed the geomorphologic debate, and extend in a more theoretical view works by the WG IAGeomhaz. Some extreme events legacies are now popular scenery sites, so connections between this WG and Geomorphosites WG will be strong.

Steering Committee of the IAG Geomorph-X working group

Steering Committee

  • Dr. Richard Chiverrell (University of Liverpool, UK)
  • Pr. John Clague (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
  • Dr Samuel Etienne (University of French Polynesia, Tahiti, France, chairman)
  • Pr. Jonathan Nott (James Cook University, Australia)
  • Dr Liz Safran (Lewis & Clark College, Portland, USA)
  • Dr James Terry (National University of Singapore, secretary)